About us

Public information catalogue

1. General information about the catalogue

Name of the body: Public utility VODOVODI IN KANALIZACIJA NOVA GORICA, d.d.

Head office: Kromberk, Cesta 25. junija 1b, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Telephone: +386 5 339 11 00
Fax: +386 5 339 11 28
E-mail address: info@vik-ng.si
Website: http://www.vik-ng.si

Registration number: 1550144
VATIN: SI91503027
Bank accounts:
NOVA LB d.d.: 02241-0089741389
NOVA KBM d.d.: 04750-0000566125
ABANKA VIPA d.d.: 05100-8010747980
SKB BANKA d.d.: 03130-1000197349
Year of establishment: 2000
Company size: medium

Responsible/competent person: Miran Lovrič, univ. dipl. inž. grad., Director
Date of last update: September 2014
Catalogue can be accessed at: http://www.vik-ng.si
Other Catalogue formats: Catalogue in printed form available at the administrative office of the company's headquarters.


Public utility Vodovodi in kanalizacija Nova Gorica d.d. is 100 per cent owned by the municipalities of Nova Gorica (50.3303%), Šempeter-Vrtojba (22.5052%), Brda (7.0663%), Miren-Kostanjevica (4.8775%), Renče-Vogrsko (5.3654), and Ajdovščina (1.8552%).

2/A Short description of our field of work:

The company Vodovodi in kanalizacija Nova Gorica, d.d. has been established as a public utility for the performance of the compulsory public utility service pursuant to the provisions of the Services of General Economic Interest Act (RS Official Gazette, Nr. 32/93) and the provisions of the Companies Act - ZGD-1 (RS Official Gazette, Nr. 42/06, 60/06,10/08, 68/08, 42/09, 33/11, 91/11, 32/12, 57/12, 83/13). The municipalities of Nova Gorica, Brda, Šempeter-Vrtojba, and Miren-Kostanjevica founded – in partnership with the company Goriški vodovodi, d.d. Nova Gorica – a public utility for the performance of the public utility service for distribution of drinking water to settlements and disposal and treatment of municipal waste water and rainwater in the area of the municipalities of Nova Gorica, Brda, Šempeter-Vrtojba, Miren-Kostanjevica, and Renče-Vogrsko.

Drinking water supply:

The public utility service for the distribution of drinking water to settlements includes operating the water supply system, facilities and equipment used for drinking water distribution; ensuring health compliance of drinking water for all users along with safety of water supply in line with the regulations in force; monitoring of drinking water quality (including measurements); maintenance of the water distribution system, facilities and equipment; performance of necessary reconstructions, new constructions and technological improvements, which include the development of new water pipes, facilities and equipment; connecting new users to the water supply system; and maintaining a cadastre of the water supply network.

In the respective region, 97 out of 112 settlements are connected to the public water supply system. The public utility Vodovodi in kanalizacija Nova Gorica d.d. operates slightly over 640 km of water pipes in five of the above municipalities, along with 61 pumping stations, 21 overflows for pressure regulating purposes, 94 water reservoirs, 38 raw water collection points, 8 waste water treatment plants for water purification, over 50 pressure reducing stations, 1556 fire hydrants, and overall more than 5700 other system components (shafts, air ducts, shut-off equipment).

Disposal and treatment of municipal waste water and rainwater

The local public utility service for disposal and treatment of municipal waste water and rainwater includes disposal of municipal waste water and rainwater, produced by households in residential areas, disposal of waste waters from other facilities, disposal of rainwater from the areas of public use, treatment of municipal waste water and rainwater in waste water treatment plants, and cleaning of septic tanks and sMWWTPs.

The public utility Vodovodi in kanalizacija Nova Gorica d.d. operates a good 400 km of sewer pipes in all five of the above specified municipalities in addition to 25 pumping stations, 20 overflows, 4 storage basins, and 41 waste water treatment plants. The construction of some sections of the sewer system is still under way, as is the construction of a central waste water treatment plant.

The public utility is the bearer of the following public authorities:
• investment planning and management of equipment and facilities necessary for the distribution of drinking water and the disposal and treatment of municipal waste water and rainwater;
• compiling and maintaining a cadastre of water supply and sewer system equipment and facilities for its own needs and the needs of founders;
• setting out the conditions and granting approvals for any activities that affect the environment and are in any way related to the infrastructure (facilities and equipment) operated by the company;
• issuing approvals for connection to company-operated facilities and equipment that are part of the infrastructure.

2/B A list of the company’s organisational units:

The operations of the public utility VODOVODI IN KANALIZACIJA NOVA GORICA d.d. are divided into four sectors, namely, Investments & Development, Finance & Accounting, General Legal & HRM, and Operation & Maintenance. The Operation & Maintenance sector is further divided into several divisions and subdivisions. The divisions include Waste Water Treatment Plants, Sewer System, Water Supply, and Servicing, while subdivisions include Maintenance of Water Supply Network and Mrzlek & Prelesje Water Treatment Facility. Two of the internal units of the public utility include Quality Control Services and Public Procurement & Competition Service.

Contact information for each organisational unit and services are as follows:

Investments & Development: Mitja Gorjan, dipl. inž. el.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 107
E-mail: mitja.gorjan@vik-ng.si

Finance & Accounting: Darja Rijavec, univ. dipl. ekon.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 111
E-mail: darja.rijavec@vik-ng.si

General Legal & HRM: Jasmina Kalin Kante, univ. dipl. prav.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 108
E-mail: jasmina.kalin@vik-ng.si

Operation & Maintenance: Borut Stepančič, inž. grad.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 160
E-mail: borut.stepancic@vik-ng.si

Quality Control (drinking and waste water): mag. Zvonka Kabaj Tomšič, univ. dipl. inž. kem. teh.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 180
E-mail: zvonka.kabaj@vik-ng.si

Public Procurement & Competition: Darja Nemec, univ. dipl. inž. grad.
Telephone: +386 5 33 91 106
E-mail: darja.nemec@vik-ng.si

2/C Organisational chart:

2/D Officials competent to provide information:

Jasmina Kalin Kante, univ. dipl. prav.; Head of General Legal & HRM sector, Kromberk, Cesta 25. junija 1b, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia; e-mail: jasmina.kalin@vik-ng.si; Telephone +386 5 33 91 108;

2/E The list of laws, secondary legislation and regulations of the European Community from the field of work of the body (through state, local and European regulations register), governing the public utility’s working area

3. Description of the procedure to access individual information sets:

3/A Brief description of the procedure to access individual information sets

Public information is any piece of information originating from the field of work of a body (public utility in our case) and occurring in the form of a document, a case, a dossier, a register, a record or other documentary material drawn up by the body either on its own or in cooperation with another body, or acquired from other people.

In line with the Act on the Access to Information of Public Character and the Decree on communication and re-use of information of public character we have prepared a Public Information Catalogue. This enables free access to public information in the possession of the public utility. We ensure openness of our operations and enable individuals as well as legal entities the right to access public information. We endeavour to inform the widest possible public of what we do.

A request for information of public character can be made in writing to the public utility Vodovodi in kanalizacija Nova Gorica d.d., Kromberk, Cesta 25. Junija 1b, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia or brought personally to the main office during working hours. Applicants can also send an e-mail to info@-vik-ng.si. The opening hours for the customers are: Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Fridays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

In line with the Act on the Access to Information of Public Character and the Decree on cost recovery for the delivery of information of public character a Bill of costs has been made which serves to calculate charges for making a transcript, a photocopy or text in electronic format of the requested information.


An estimate of tariffs and charges for the delivery of information of public character is used pursuant to the Decree on communication and re-use of information of public character (RS Official Gazette nr. 76/2005, 119/07, 95/11).

The highest tariffs for the below services related to the delivery of information of public character are (VAT excluded):
- A4 single sided BW photocopy 0.06 €
- A3 single sided BW photocopy 0.13 €
- single sided photocopy (larger than A3) 1.25 €
- A4 single sided colour photocopy 0.63 €
- A3 single sided colour photocopy 1.25 €
- Electronic record on a single CD 2.09 €
- Electronic record on a single DVD-R 2.92 €
- Electronic record on a floppy disc 1.25 €
- Recording on a VHS 4.17 €
- Recording on an audio cassette 2.09 €
- Conversion of electronic document to paper: A4 single sided page (BW) 0.13 €
- Conversion of electronic document to paper: A4 single sided page (colour) 1.25 €
- Conversion of paper document to electronic: A4 single sided page (BW) 0.08 €
- Conversion of paper document to electronic: A4 single sided page (colour) 0.13 €

Postage for information sent by mail is charged based on the price list for postal services.

The prices are based on the Decree on communication and re-use of information of public character (RS Official Gazette, nr. 76/2005 with amendments).

VAT is charged in line with VAT regulations.

In case the sum of tariffs for the delivery of information of public character does not exceed 10€ (VAT included), the company will not charge anything.

5. List of most frequently requested public information

- information on drinking water quality
- information on infrastructure cadastre

September 2014


“When the Well's dry, we know the Worth of Water.«
(Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac, 1733)